It’s summertime! Time to kick back and relax!
What’s that? You’re don’t feel chilled out?
It’s not surprising. Stress, exertion, and all the other things that leave us feeling tense don’t take holidays. That’s why you should consider getting a massage in Philadelphia this summer. Here are five reasons why it can help:
You’re exercising more
A lot of us hibernate in winter, but when summer comes, you have more opportunities – and fewer excuses – to get out and exercise, and more chances for soreness. It could be biking or swimming or a round of golf, you still might strain something no matter how much you stretch. A massage will lower inflammation and help you muscles stay limber.
You’re stressed
We realize that you’re probably stressed in the winter and fall too, but summer brings stresses of its own, from vacations to having to keep school-aged kids occupied. When you get a massage, your body releases endorphins and dopamine, which make you feel better.
You’re doing more yardwork
Working in your garden can be relaxing. It can also be tough on your body: knees, back, abs, shoulders. And if you’re not in the best shape, a strained muscle can keep you out of action for a few days. A regular massage can ease you stress and help you recover, whether you’re planting vegetables or just weeding or mowing the lawn.
You need to develop healthy habits
If you start getting a regular massage in Philadelphia – and indulging in other healthy habits – now, you’ll be more likely to continue practicing them year-round.
If you want to add massages to your summer routine, contact Body Restoration. We offer massage therapy, facials and other skin treatments at our Philadelphia spa. Get in touch with us today and we’ll find ways to help you relax this summer.